Improving gut health and water hygiene
Gut health and water hygiene systems and products for poultry, game bird, pig and ruminant farms
ABC Systems and Products
ABC provide a range of gut health and water hygiene options, from standalone sanitisers and organic acid-based products to fully automated systems that deliver clean water and gut health products in one process.
Our team will work with you to understand your environment and objectives and develop a tailored gut health and water hygiene programme using the right combination of systems and products.
Improved livestock performance
Antibiotic reduction
Reduce impact of pathogens
Improve FCR
Enhance animal health and welfare
With the help and guidance of ABC we have improved the overall health and performance of our pig herd, but the one huge benefit for us is that we have removed all of the in-feed medication and are now feeding antibiotic free feed to all the pigs from weaning onwards. Without a quality water supply, I would not have had the confidence to take that decision to remove the in-feed medication. We are still monitoring the water quality and I believe that with the help of ABC we can achieve further improvements in the herds' performance.
Richard Knox – farming 300 sows on a farrow to finish unit in the Dartmoor National Park
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The importance of good water hygiene for layer farms
At last year’s BFREPA Conference, Charles Macleod, the Commercial Manager, Layers at St David’s Poultry Team, delivered a presentation on the importance and benefits of
The importance of good gut health in broilers
When looking at a bird’s digestion, this obviously starts at the beak where salivary glands begin the digestion process. Feed then descends into the crop